Journalism master’s program offers scholarships [Worldwide]

Students who wish to pursue a graduate degree in journalism can apply for a scholarship.

The Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Journalism, Media and Globalisation welcomes applications from graduate students around the world.

Students spend their first year studying at Aarhus University in Denmark. They spend their second year studying at a different European partner university in in either Amsterdam, London or Prague.

Students also have an opportunity to study at a non-European university during the second semester of their first year.

The scholarships of up to EUR49,000 (US$57,570) cover tuition fees, insurance, a contribution to student travel and installation costs, as well as a monthly subsistence allowance.

Proficiency in English is required to apply to the program.

The deadline to apply is Jan. 10, 2021.

For more info visit

Author: hannatu mato

The Courage in Journalism is sticking up for the unpopular not the popular

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