Journalists from the 11 Nile Basin countries can submit story proposals for an investigation on hydroelectric power dams.
InfoNile, with support from the JRS Biodiversity Foundation, is accepting investigative multimedia story proposals on the benefits and pitfalls of generating power from waterways in the Nile Basin. InfoNile uncovers critical stories on water issues in the Nile River Basin through data-based multimedia storytelling.
The one-page proposal should also contain a plan to integrate data analysis and visualization of hydroelectric power dams on different sectors or topics relevant to the story. The sectors or topics include energy, agriculture, economy, food security, water, land, disasters, health and livelihoods.
Proposals should also include a budget of US$1,000 or less.
The deadline is Sept. 17.
For more information visit : https://www.infonile.org/en/call-for-applications-the-benefits-and-pitfalls-of-generating-power-from-waterways-in-the-nile-basin/