Journalism fellowship promotes innovation

Media professionals worldwide can apply for a fellowship in Columbia, Missouri.

The fellowship program, sponsored by the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI), invites proposals from individuals and organizations who wish to work on innovative projects that strengthen journalism’s future.

The institute offers residential, nonresidential and institutional fellowships. Residential fellows spend eight months on the Missouri campus, taking advantage of the intellectual and technological resources of RJI and the university while interacting with Missouri faculty and students. These fellows receive a US$10,000 monthly stipend, plus a one-time US$10,000 housing allowance.

Nonresidential fellowships are designed for employees of a news, technology or related company who have ideas they can develop while continuing in their jobs. These fellows receive a US$20,000 stipend for the eight-month program.

The US$20,000 institutional fellowship stipend is paid to the company or institution and can be used to hire a freelancer or temporary contractor to fill in for an employee as needed or for other project needs.

The deadline is Dec. 18

For more info visit

Author: hannatu mato

The Courage in Journalism is sticking up for the unpopular not the popular

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