Poynter hosts course on trust building

Journalists who want to learn strategies to earn their communities’ trust can take this course. Poynter offers the self-directed, online course “How any journalist can earn Trust.”

The training is divided into 10 modules: perceptions of news; tell your audience who you are, explain your ethics and values; transparency: why it’s important and how to do it day-to-day; building trust into beats; engaging with your audience; separate opinion content from news; connecting revenue to trust; build trust by helping people navigate the news; and next steps.

The instructors are Joy Mayer, director of Trusting News; and Lynn Wals, assistant director of Trusting News.

The course is free and can be taken at any time.

Registration is ongoing.

For more information visit https://www.poynter.org/shop/ethics/how-any-journalist-can-earn-trust/



Author: hannatu mato

The Courage in Journalism is sticking up for the unpopular not the popular

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