Investigative Reporters and Editors Conference.

Journalists and Students can apply for a fellowship to attend this virtual conference.

The Investigative reporters and Editors (IRE) conference will take place Sept 21 to 25 online.

The conference will gather investigative journalists from the United States and across the world.The keynotes speakers will bejournalists Roman Farrow, author of the best selling “Catch and Kill: Lies,spies and a conspiracy to protect predators”.

Fellowship includes a complimentary IRE membership/renewal US$25(for Students) and US$70 (for pros) and a complimentary conference registration,US$50 (for students) and US$175 (for pros).

Fellowship applications will be accepted until funds are depleted.

Author: hannatu mato

The Courage in Journalism is sticking up for the unpopular not the popular

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