Global Summit on Disinformation open [Worldwide]

Journalists, editors, students and others can register for this online summit.

The Inter American Press Association, Argentina’s Proyecto Desconfío and Bolivia’s Fundación para el Periodismo are organizing the first edition of the Global Summit on Disinformation.

The event is free and will take place Oct. 1 to 2.

The aim of the summit is to share knowledge and strategies and to build alliances and networks to fight disinformation in Latin America. The event will have four areas of focus: disinformation and democracy, educating about disinformation, disinformation and technology, and infodemic and fact-checking. The summit will be available in Spanish and English.

Participants will include First DraftThe Trust ProjectMisInfoConMaldita and Agencia Lupa, among others.

Registration is open. Spots are limited.

For more information visit :


Author: hannatu mato

The Courage in Journalism is sticking up for the unpopular not the popular

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