Call for applications for the Norbert Zongo African Prize for Investigative Journalism (PAJI-NZ)

The Norbert Zongo National Press Center (CNP-NZ) and the Norbert Zongo Cell for Investigative Journalism in West Africa (CENOZO) are launching a call for applications for the African Journalism Prize of Investigation Norbert Zongo (PAJI-NZ).

The PAJI-NZ is intended to reward the work of African journalists in print, radio, television and online media who have carried out quality investigations on corruption, organized crime, violation of human rights, governance, environmental crime, terrorism, etc.

The candidate for PAJI-NZ must be an African journalist regularly employed in a press organ or regularly collaborating with one or more press organs; or a non-African journalist residing in Africa at least two years prior to application and working on Africa.

The PAJI-NZ will award a reward to the best production in each category (written press, radio, television, online press) and a special reward called the “SEGBO D’OR” to the best of all productions, all categories combined. .

Any production to be submitted for PAJI-NZ must have been published between 03 May 2021 and 03 May 2023. The deadline for submitting applications is 15 August 2023 at 17:00 GMT. Shortlisted candidates will be published on September 15, 2023.

Interested candidates should send an application file by email to the address: or or by post to the address: CNP-NZ / CENOZO – 04 BP 8524 Ouagadougou 04 / Burkina Faso .

The application file must include:

  • a declaration of candidacy with full indication of the identity of the candidate (surname, first names, pseudonym or pen name used);
  • a copy of the production subject of the application in PDF format, MP4 video or MP3 audio file or a URL link;
  • a certificate from the organ confirming his membership or his collaboration in the editorial staff of the press organ that published his work;
  • a curriculum vitae including the candidate’s photo;
  • for non-African journalists, proof of residence of at least two years in Africa on the date of application;
  • a written declaration signed by the candidate authorizing the organizers of the PAJI-NZ award to use his name, his voice, his images and the elements submitted if he is awarded, without any compensation and on all media, for advertising purposes / in public relations or information about the Prize.

PAJI-NZ winners will be invited to the award ceremony to be held from October 18 to 21, 2023 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso on the sidelines of the 10th edition of the International Festival for Freedom of Expression and the Press (FILEP).


Apply Here

Author: Ruth Kasham

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